To Mind

image shot at Aro Ha


Mental health and a clear mind is the forefront of being able to overcome life’s challenges. We all struggle with stress and mental health on various levels. Kinect to dive deeper into the mind as we introduce various methods to heal our inner world.

Mindfulness techniques, NLP, hypnotherapy, or guided visualization meditations introduced to heal mental blocks, release emotional wounds, overcome negative self talk and limiting beliefs. Explore how your current mindset, inner dialogue and perception can hinder your health and wellbeing, personal growth, relationships, career advancements, financial abundance and other areas in your life. Discover emotional blocks. Learn how to get out of your mind and drop into your heart. Cultivate inner peace. Become more emotionally aware, balanced and introspective.

How are your limiting beliefs or inner dialogue getting in the way of living the life you have always desired or envisioned for yourself? Our mental capacity may present how we perceive life events, form our worldviews, process personal experiences and how we choose to react or respond to them. These beliefs and interpretations are based on whom (us the individual and involved parties), how (cultural, disciplinarian styles and circumstances), where (environmental, geographical and social settings) and when (generational era or time period) we were raised. 

Mindfulness is at the core of our teachings. Learning to become the observer of your beliefs, thoughts, patterns, insights and self reflections. This is required in order to evolve into higher levels of conscious awareness. The ability to notice how we speak to ourselves offers deep insights that provide opportunities to reflect and connect to how our mind operates in the ways we behave. Which in turn, shows up how we communicate to others since we are simply all mirrors projecting our own internal beliefs, assumptions and thoughts.

Typically our beliefs are passed down from our household or upbringing, such as family, parents, guardians, peers, school and any community we were exposed to that had influence on us. Therefore, our perspective stems from a wide spectrum. If we have experienced or witnessed trauma or traumatic events, felt neglected, been abused, or didn’t feel safe in the environments we grew up in. These core wounds can follow us as adults long after and continue to arise as we attempt to build solid relationships with others, thrive in the workfield, create healthy boundaries, find love, build authenticity or self love for ourselves.

When we become emotionally wounded or abused as children, these types of emotional wounds can lead one down a path towards depression or anxiety which can develop into self coping methods such as but not limited to addiction, workaholic, substance abuse, toxic relationships, excessive gambling, eating disorders, self medication, or other mental health disorders. A domino effect of one bad decision after the other. This is why mental health is on the rise with a window of opportunity to restore profound and lasting healing.



To Breath


To Body