To Body
When disconnected, it leads to us dis-ease, illness and suffering. The body is a multifaceted intelligent system. This is why healing the body is more than what meets the eye. It is simply not just fitness focused. It is a holistic approach to ensure each individual system is contributing to create balance within the other systems. When one system in the body is off balance, it will affect the way other systems interact with others. With this in mind, what kind of relationship are you consciously cultivating with your body on a daily basis? What makes Kinect unique and different from most wellness companies is we guide you with proper body cueing, discussing the kinetic chains, fascial lines, muscular imbalances, self massage and recovery techniques from a 20 year veteran who is a myofascial release expert. To protect your body through the wear and tear it has endured over the years of repetitive patterns that have compensated the integrity of your musculoskeletal structure. Bringing high level physical therapeutic protocols for your specific needs. Introducing movement to you in a way that will instill proper body mechanics and form which is the goal to optimize your posture, reset your gait cycle, and to avoid injury or surgery.
The body consists of 11 basic organ systems that manage all the essential body functions. These include the muscular, skeletal, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, respiratory, reproductive and integumentary system. Having healthy, supple muscles does not end there. It needs proper nutrition, gut health, hormonal balance, functioning organs, a nervous system being able to remain in a state of homeostasis, constant regulation of excretion, detoxification and balancing on multiple levels.
At Kinect, you will explore and be introduced to various approaches and modalities that have been proven for thousands of years. Not just with today’s current health trend. Many of these practices introduced are derived from Ayurvedic, Eastern medicines intertwined with modern day medicine. A perfect blend of East meets West. A culmination of a customized and cultivated rich approach specifically designed for each individual's needs. Based on blood type, genetics, microbiome, medical history, a deep listening to connect with your intuition, and developing your own body awareness as you are guided to constantly refine a tailor made approach towards healing from the inside out.
image shot at Ara Ha